ASC Venture Capital

We're an early stage venture capital fund investing in companies focused on impacting global trade and commerce.

Our Portfolio

Our specialty is logistics, supply chain, commerce and infrastructure tech. We prefer to invest early, ideally at pre-seed and seed stage. We lean in, helping to drive commercial opportunities and talent acquisition by leveraging our extensive network.

AirconLogistics TechChris Condonwww.airconai.comActive
TruckSmarterLogistics TechDaniel Kaowww.trucksmarter.comActive
SwayCommerceEric Wimerwww.shipsway.comActive
ExpedockLogistics TechKing Alandy Dywww.expedock.comActive
JetstreamLogistics TechMiishe Addywww.jetstreamafrica.comActive
TorchLogistics TechAbtin Hamidiwww.torch3pl.comActive
CambioInfrastructure TechLeia de Guzmanwww.cambio.aiActive
Amplify DataSupply Chain TechKarthik Kumarwww.amplifydata.ioActive
ReadyOnInfrastructure TechDominic Mirabilewww.readyon.aiActive
CarrierSourceLogistics TechRobert Lightwww.carriersource.ioActive
NodalInfrastructure TechPaul Albert-Lebrunwww.nodalnet.ioActive
GenlogsLogistics TechRyan Joycewww.genlogs.ioActive
SpectrohmLogistics TechTim Cargolwww.spectrohm.comActive
DayZeroCommerceJulia Tolmachyovwww.ondayzero.comActive
FinanExSupply Chain TechIgnacio Arambarriwww.finanex.ioActive
CerebrumLogistics TechKeith Ferrywww.cerebrumsensor.comActive

The Team

Adam Compain - General Partner
Adam was founder & CEO of ClearMetal. ClearMetal was backed by NEA, Eclipse and Innovation Endeavors. In June 2021, ClearMetal was successfully acquired by project44 where Adam became SVP of Product Marketing. Adam holds five technology patents, a B.S. from University of Michigan, and an MBA from Stanford University.

Andrew Sisto - General Partner
Andrew was a co-founder of logistics technology company NYSHEX. NYSHEX was backed by Goldman Sachs, Blumberg Capital, and Industry Ventures among others. After NYSHEX, Andrew was Sr. Director of Corporate Development at project44 leading M&A, strategic partnerships and customer acquisition.